Verbal Art Assessments

We receive numerous requests for information about artwork daily.

Do I own an RC Gorman artwork? What is the title? Is it an original artwork or a reproduction? What is the value of my art, etc.?

Our team is pleased to respond verbally to all inquiries about RC Gorman’s artwork.

To respond in a timely manner to your request, we ask you to send the following information to our email address at: 

  1. A photo of your artwork.
  2. The dimensions of your artwork (not including the frame or matte). 
  3. A zoom-in photo of the artist’s signature.
  4. A zoom-in photo of the edition name or number.
  5. Any pertinent documents such as a bill of sale, former appraisals and provenance of artwork.

We charge an assessment fee of $100 per artwork that will be applied toward any Certificate of Authenticity or current Valuation.

Call us at 480-478-4163 to begin the process.

Certificate of Authenticity

If you are interested in purchasing a Certificate of Authenticity for your R.C. Gorman artwork, please complete the information below. You may attach up to 3 images of your artwork in the file spaces in the form, please provide additional details in your comments for each file if you submit photos. 

Please include a photo of the

1. Entire image

2. Closeup of signature

3. Closeup of the edition name or number and the dimensions of the artwork excluding frame & mat. 

After you submit the form, you will be contacted via your email and/or phone by one of our expert staff members to discuss the details of certifying your artwork.

This is an ideal option for clients who want official documentation specifying whether their piece is an original R.C. Gorman artwork. In order to receive a Certificate of Authenticity, clients must ship or bring their art into the Scottsdale or Santa Fe gallery so that we may evaluate the piece in person.

Leading reasons that clients purchase Certificates of Authenticity:

  1. Currently own an R.C. Gorman artwork and want to confirm that it is an original piece.
  2. Misplacement or damage of their original Certificate of Authenticity and want to replace it.

Certificates of Authenticity range in price between $150 – $250 each. We will contact you to arrange a time and a way to view your artwork.

Or you may call us directly:
Scottsdale Gallery: 1-480-478-4163 

Certificate of Authenticity Form

    Please email any photos you may have of your artwork to


    If you are interested in purchasing a Valuation for your R.C. Gorman artwork, please fill out the information below as accurately as possible.

    We offer this appraisal service to clients who want or need official documentation regarding the current value of their R.C. Gorman artwork. Each Valuation is dependent upon different factors including condition, limited editions, signed, originals and many other factors.

    Leading reasons that clients purchase valuations:

    1. Estate Planning
    2. Insurance Purposes
    3. Value for Sales and Consignments
    4. Personal Reasons
    5. Appraisal

    Once you submit the form,  we will contact you for any further information we may need in order to perform your Valuation.

    Or you may call us directly:
    Scottsdale Gallery 1-480-478-4163 | Santa Fe Gallery 1-505-982-2888 

    Fees for Valuations range from $150 to $250 depending on the art.

    Valuations Form